Sunday, February 8, 2015

I love cute babies

The entire day, I was just doing laundry and relaxing. So I decided that while I wait for my laundries to finish, I'm gonna watch The Return of Superman. For those of you who don't know, The Return of Superman is a Korean TV reality show about celebrity dads taking care of their kids while the moms go out and relax for 48 hours. Meaning, the kids won't see their mom for 3 days and 2 nights. 

It's a really interesting TV show that helps dads get closer to their children when normally they will have to go out and work for a long time. Through this TV show, we get to see how the dads progress from not knowing how to take care of their own kid to becoming their kids' "superman".

I just love watching this show because I really really like little kids, and it's also one of the reason why I want to work with kids in the future. Even though I'm an economics & accounting major right now, I'm thinking of doing a double major with psychology and an education minor. And hopefully, I get to be a teacher in the future! Just Hopefully. Everything will go into plan... :)

(Photo by hdwallpapers)

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