Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Pride and Prejudice: relationship with family

Just a heads up. This post contains spoilers of the movie Pride and Prejudice! :)

So. Over the weekend, I was asking around my friends what movie I should watch on a cozy day. Then I ended up rewatching Pride and Prejudice (with Keira Knightley, Rosemund Pike, and Donald Sutherland) because of a friend's suggestion. I remembered the first time watching it, I loved the relationship Lizzy (Keira Knightley) has with her sister Jane (Rosemund Pike) and also Lizzy's relationship with her father (Donald Sutherland).

Lizzy and Jane are like best friends with each other and would tell each other their feelings towards a relationship. And I'm kind of jealous of this kind of relationship because I don't have that kind of bond with my brother. Maybe it's just a brother and sister thing (?). Although I do know that my brother doesn't take my advice on many things because he sees me as a younger sibling who needs guidance and protection. He will tell me what's "right" to do and what's "wrong" to do and direct Me towards the right path, so I'd say that the relationship I have with my brother is kind of like a mentor/good friend. But I do wish to be more comfortable with my brother and actually be close to him, so that whenever we have issues with anything, we can just talk to each other.

But what got me the most was the ending of the movie when Lizzy is talking to her dad about how she has misjudged Mr. Darcy. Then when her dad teared up and said, "You do love him, don't you?" I got really emotional during this scene because Lizzy has such a wonderful relationship with her dad. Mr. Bennet is always supportive of Lizzy and sees her has the most sophisticated daughter of all. It reminds me of when I was little, my dad was like my hero, and I looked up to him as a role model. However, ever since I moved to the states away from my family, my dad and I grew apart, and I realized that we have very different views on things. I, growing up in the states, feel like I should have control over my own life and have my own opinions; whereas my dad is conservative (very very traditional) and thinks that men have more voice and power in the family. The list of differences we have just goes on and on. It's sad that things are just not the way it was anymore.

What's your relationship like with your family? Are you close to your family?

(Photo from Pride and Prejudice 2005 film)

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